Friday, August 1, 2008

On to the next one

We have loved sharing this special little place with you about Bryce. But with such a busy little girl, we have filled it to the end. So if you would like to, from now on, you can go to...

I will be keeping this blog here, for all of us that like to take a look back.

Hope that we will see you at the next blog.


The 3 of Us!

Hugs And Kisses

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

5.4 Earthquake

Everyone has a story about their lives to tell and a story about where they were, when a really big earthquake came. But was it the perfect spot? Yes, we were in the perfect spot as Bryce would say when it hit, on the lake. I can't tell you, how much I hate earthquakes, believe me my parents know for raising me. But here I find myself as the parent, the protector, the role model and in the midst of one of my biggest fears. But hey, we were in the perfect place. With Ann and her 6 kids, 3 of her own and 3 of a wonderful blessed family with parents on their way to adopt a little guy in Russia. It was the perfect spot. I noticed a little rumbling in the condos being us as we stood on the dock, then the waves started to form in the lake, the ducks went nuts and well, the earth was making a move. I can't tell you how proud of us we all where, no scream, no tears, just us and the adventurous kids. Thank you Lord for protecting us all, hearts, bodies, mind and souls. It was a great day on the lake...

Hard to believe that this little doll is only 12 month older than Bryce

Friends forever Charlie trying to catch a fish Waiting for her turn The kids really did'nt believe me when I said the the waterfall was blue, it really was. It was do to the chemicals placed in it to care for the lake, but was a pretty sight. Water fun anyone? With the warm summer afternoons, we have been enjoying some wonderful time on the deck over looking the lake. As well as enjoying Bryce's time in her little ( I really mean little) pool. I tried to post this weekend about her and this cute new bikini. I did all the hard work and wosh, no where to be found. Anyways, this is Bryce's first 2 piece since she was 9 month only on the shores of Hawaii. As I was putting it on her, she was pulling, tugging, just trying ot make those ends meet between her tummy and bottoms. Not going to happen! Then I explaid, this was a suit like Charlotte's and that it was ok (for now as her Daddy would say), enjoy yourself in the pool. I know your pool is small, but that's not it...

Monday, July 28, 2008


Cashew anyone? Say that and Bryce would be at the front of the line. She loves to have her little snack of cashews lately. If you don't break them in half, she hands them back to you and says "its too big, I choke!" Smart little cookie!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

WHAT ?!?!?

With a list a mile long today, we started with picking up our mail at the post office. As Alan was opening the mail on the way to our next stop, I hear, "WHAT". Yes, "WHAT" is right. This was our bill for the month for gas at Chevron/Texaco. Only thing is we closed that account several weeks ago. Well as we began looking at all the charges, there were multiple trips each day, different grades of gas and all in Georgia. We knew this was not our bill, and that was a lot of gas that someone had made off with. What a sad world this is. After we arrived home, Alan made a phone call and guess what, we are not the only ones this happened too. There are having a huge problem and its all based in Georgia. Man am I glad that we don't have to pay that bill. Since most of errands we in La Verne why not take a little stop to our little place. Gotta eat sometime and this was exactly what we wanted. Bryce even tried a few new things and loved them.
Its she just the yummiest?
Bryce was so excited that she got to spend the day with her Daddy
Her favorite part, that cookie.
Getting my "chocolate" kiss
It was 96' today and did it cool off fast. It made for a rather beautiful evening over looking the lake tonight.
Here comes Libby
and the other 3.
Good night play room, good night my toys, good night Ma's stuff as Bryce would say.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Flashlight fun

A little before nine this morning, I started making a breakfast for a king. I wanted Austin, Greysen and the girls to have a good sit down breakfast and just some us time together. Then the phone rang and Austin was not coming over (we missed you), but breakfast was still going to be served (just not as much since man-boy was not coming). When Bryce heard them coming, the screams became roars of excitement as always. There is nothing more special than to have time with your cousins. We enjoyed our yummy breakfast (pancakes, Papa Jack's special recipe eggs, and sausage. The girls did really well eating their plates and Charlie even had 3 helpings of sausage (she called them hot dogs, so cute). With tummies full, it was play time.

Greysen enjoying some time with my Wii and the different games that I have. Flashlights are a fun game in the crawl space to the playroom. Bryce and Charlotte made shadows, waved them around in circles and just had a great time. Greysen even thought that it sounded like fun so he joined in later too.
The girls just love hanging out with all the pillows and it feeling so comfy cozy.
Peek a boo...I see you! What a great smile!
Peek a boo...we both see you! Two happy little girls.
Here is a little video of what breakfast can be like with two -2 year olds...they feed off of each other so much. I had to cut it short because Bryce was getting a little crazy with her fork. In part of the video you can even see Charlotte ducking away from the fork. Sorry Charlie!

Did I mention that I am going on a date? Yes, with my hubby of 11 years and 8 months. This is probably the 3rd time (maybe) that we have been on a date since Bryce was born 2.5 years ago. Not that we have not wanted too, but we love having Bryce with us rather than apart. But, its time! I feel like a gitty little school girl...and I love it!


I feel LOVED
...and I am going on a date tonight! Andrea and I are trading child care time today. I have her 3 this morning and she will have Bryce tonight. Thanks Ann and to all the others who have offered this wonderful gift. I really think we will be taking you all up on that very soon.
As my very wise daughter would say,"It's a BEAUTIFUL day!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sweet Grandma Jackie

Everyone loves having Grandma's and well Bryce has a new one. Jackie is an honorary Grandma to Bryce and we love it. Jackie is the neighbor to Grandma Ginny and Papa Jack and we have become great friends with her. Today as Bryce and I came home from our story time, we got a visit from Jackie. Bryce and Jackie had a great little time coloring and talking. Then it was time for a few books before nap. I was pushed to the curb with my duty of reading the nap time story today. Bryce said,"Jackie, you read me a book and then another one". Jackie jumped at the chance and read to Bryce several of her new library book.
Tired eyes!
Before we walked Jackie home and Bryce was to go down for her nap, Jackie told Bryce she had a present for her. There was only one catch that I had, and that was that she take a very good nap. The very good nap happened and we were off to Jackie's.
Bryce rang the door bell and the door opened to not just one present for Bryce but several. Jackie had bought Bryce a little chair, a book, a coloring book and crayons all wonderful things for Bryce to enjoy when we came to visit. Thank you Jackie, you really didn't need to do that. I know that Bryce loves them all and they will be put to great use on our visits.
Yesterdays pictures,todays and until I drive to Irvine, our all taken with the backup camera. Oh, I hate that mine is not working. The last time that it acted up was when Bryce was 9 months old and we were in Hawaii. I guess that I am pretty lucky with that since there is thousands of pictures that have been taken with it.